When my principal asked me if I could create a Mario bathroom for his 2 sons I was thrilled. I grew up playing 8 bit Mario and was excited for the two little boys who would get to enjoy this bathroom. The oldest son (who is colorblind) helped me pick out the colors and was spot on almost every time... Except he wanted his vine to have a red top instead of the green top. When I asked him many times, he was certain, he wanted the only red top in town.

The most rewarding part of this project was having the boys show off their custom bathroom mural to their neighborhood friends. None of the friends could believe that I had hand painted the bricks, pipe, plant, and clouds. (Even I was a bit bummed out when they thought it was a vinyl wall sticker)

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    Lauren Dorsey

    Event and home designer. Why can't everyday be beautiful?


    July 2013

